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Transmittal Notice

  1. Explanation of Material Transmitted: This issuance describes the Guest Researcher/Special Volunteer Programs and establishes the conditions under which a Guest Researcher/Special Volunteer may be invited to NIH. Partial Revision 8/23/2022: This policy has been revised to update the langauge in section G. Tort Claims/ Malpractice Coverage.
  2. Filing Instructions:

           Remove: NIH Manual 2300-308-1, dated 8/16/11, Partial Revision Date: 8/23/2022
           Insert: NIH Manual 2300-308-1, dated 11/23/11

PLEASE NOTE: For information on:




A. Definition:

Guest Researchers (GR) are scientists, engineers, and students who are permitted to engage in scientific studies and investigations using NIH facilities. Under this program, these individuals further their own research by using equipment and resources that are otherwise unavailable to them. They provide no direct services to NIH. They may not have any patient contact.

Special Volunteers (SV) are individuals who provide research services, direct patient care, clerical support, technical assistance, or any other necessary services for NIH.

Intramural Scientist Emeriti may be Special Volunteers, upon approval by the Board of Scientific Directors and the Deputy Director for Intramural Research, provided that they meet the provisions of this policy.


Neither GRs nor SVs are financially compensated by NIH for their activities or services.


B. Legal Authority




B. Legal Authority:

Section 301(a)(2) of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act authorizes the Secretary to "...make available research facilities of the Service to appropriate public authorities, and to health officials and scientists engaged in special study." 45 C.F.R. Part 9, Use of DHHS Research Facilities by Academic Scientists, Engineers, and Students, and DHHS General Administration Manual Chapter 13-10, provide DHHS policy on making Department facilities available to the scientific community.

Sections 402 and 405 of the PHS Act, as amended. The Director, NIH, and the Directors of the national research institutes and centers may accept voluntary and uncompensated services.

C. Current Approval Authority




C. Current Approval Authority:

IC Scientific Director (or designee)

IC Scientific Director (or designee)

D. Eligibility




D. Eligibility:

NIH research facilities are available to non-NIH employees who are sponsored and paid by an outside organization or who are self-supporting.

The following individuals are not eligible to be NIH GRs:

  • Scientists at NIH for the purpose of informal observation, discussions and/or participation in scientific activities who have no formal relationship with NIH.

  • Scientists at NIH for less than 1 week.

  • SVs.

Volunteer services may be accepted from any individuals who are:

  • donating their services as members of volunteer or charitable organizations.

  • offering their services on their own time.

  • receiving fellowship or stipend support from outside organizations with whom they have non-employment relationships.

  • employees of outside organizations on sabbaticals or leaves of absence.

  • Federal employees volunteering services unrelated to their official duties and responsibilities, outside of their normal work hours.

Volunteer services may not be accepted from individuals who are:

  • Commissioned Officers in the U.S. Public Health Service or members of other uniformed services.

  • paid employees of outside organizations who are not on sabbaticals or leaves of absence, unless their voluntary service is on their own time.

  • GRs.

E. Requirements




E. Requirements:

Citizenship. GRs/SVs are not required to be U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents. However, non-immigrant foreign nationals (i.e., non-U.S. citizens or permanent residents) must be cleared by the Division of International Services (DIS), Office of Research Services (ORS), NIH, in order to permit their assignment at NIH. Such clearance is required before the assignment may commence. (See also Section M on Visas).

Federal Government standards for minors must be followed in accepting the services of volunteers who are under 18 years of age. Where required by State or local government law or regulation, work permits must be obtained. The agreement of a parent or guardian is also required before the volunteer services of minors can be accepted.

Medical Requirements. GRs/SVs must meet medical requirements in accordance with NIH Manual 2300-339-2, Medical Qualifications Determinations.

Patient Contact. Consistent with applicable PHS policy, SVs who will engage in direct patient care activities in the NIH Clinical Center must have and maintain current valid professional licensure, have their professional credentials reviewed, and obtain clinical privileges consistent with requirements specified by the IC. Any patient contact by a non-immigrant foreign national SV must be consistent with visa provisions and authorized by the DIS, ORS (see also Section M on Visas). GRs, regardless of citizenship status, are not eligible for any level of patient contact.

Health Insurance. GRs/SVs are not eligible for health insurance coverage under the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. Those who do not have adequate health insurance must obtain immediate coverage that is substantially equivalent to the Federal Employees Health Benefits Plan and show proof of coverage prior to beginning an assignment. NIH may not purchase health insurance for GRs/SVs.

GRs/SVs who fail to obtain adequate health insurance coverage will be denied the use of NIH facilities. Furthermore, those sponsored as J-1 Exchange Visitors who willfully fail to obtain and maintain the minimum health insurance coverage (for themselves and any J-2 dependents) required by the United States Department of State (DOS) will be deemed in violation of these regulations and may be terminated by DIS, ORS, as a participant in the exchange visitor program.


Since the GR is not covered by the Federal Employees Compensation Act, it is critical that any individually purchased health benefits plan provides coverage for work-associated injuries or illnesses.

Under 5 U.S.C. 8101(1)(B), Compensation for Work Injuries, volunteers may be eligible for certain benefits for work-related injuries or illnesses.

Security/Background Clearance:

The same tests of character, reputation, and fitness applicable to regular Federal employees should be considered.

The same tests of character, reputation, and fitness applicable to regular Federal employees should be considered in accepting the services of volunteers. In addition, all individuals involved with the provision of child care services must have a background check consistent with 42 U.S.C. 13041.


Medical Executive Committee Review (MEC). SVs who may be providing clinical care should have their clinical credentials approved by the MEC or other credentialing entity recognized by the Deputy Director for Intramural Research. In addition, any patient contact by a non-immigrant foreign national SV must be consistent with visa provisions and authorized by the DIS, ORS. (See also Section M on Visas).


Employing Organization/NIH Agreement.Because SVs provide a service to NIH, ICs should enter into written agreements that stipulate that employing organizations have agreed to relinquish supervision over activities and services performed at NIH*.

*Note: This requirement applies only to employees of outside organizations on sabbaticals or leaves of absence.


Documentation Requirements. All documents specifying the terms, conditions, and limitations of GR/SV status should be filed and maintained in accordance with established IC policy (i.e., Appendix 1- Form NIH 590, Special Volunteer and Guest Researcher Assignment; Appendix 2 - NIH Guest Researcher Agreement; Appendix 3 - NIH Special Volunteer Agreement; Appendix 4 - Sample Letter Acknowledging Offer to Serve as an NIH Special Volunteer; Appendix 5 - Letter Acknowledging Special Voluntary Service from Individuals Receiving Fellowship or Stipend Support from Outside Organizations; Appendix 6 - Sample Letter Acknowledging Special Voluntary Service from Individuals Employed by Outside Organizations).

Non-immigrant foreign national GRs/SVs must be cleared by the DIS, ORS, before the assignment may commence. In addition to the above required documentation, ICs must also submit a request to the DIS for clearance. Document requirements can be located on the DIS web site ( The IC must submit a request to the DIS in accordance with the DIS processing times (




F. Exceptions:

Exceptions to this policy in an intramural, including clinical, setting require the approval of the Deputy Director for Intramural Research (DDIR), NIH, or the DDIR's designee. ICs should establish policy on exceptions in non-intramural settings.

G. Tort Claims/Malpractice Coverage




G. Tort Claims/ Malpractice Coverage:

GRs are not eligible for coverage under the Federal Tort Claims Act in the event of a tort/malpractice claim.

NIH volunteers will very likely not be covered under the Federal Tort Claims Act (28 U.S.C. 2671 et seq.) or under Section 224 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 233(a)) for damages or injuries that arise from actions occurring within the scope of their Federal assignment.  In rare circumstances in which statutory language specifically provides for coverage, volunteers may be eligible for coverage for activities performed while under the direct supervision of a Federal employee.  The ultimate decision on issues of coverage is made on a case-by-case basis by the HHS Office of the General Counsel, DOJ, and, ultimately, the courts.

H. Publications




H. Publications:

Publications resulting from work done by GRs/SVs must credit NIH and be cleared in advance in accordance with NIH Manual 1183, Publications.




I. Inventions:

In accordance with Executive Order 10096, as amended, 45 CFR Part 7, patent rights for inventions developed in NIH facilities are NIH property unless NIH waives its rights.

J. Length of Assignment




J. Length of Assignment:

Each IC should establish a policy on the length and renewal of GR and SV assignments. Time spent as a GR or SV counts toward the 5/8-year rule for postdoctoral trainees. (




K. Extension:

A GR or SV may extend his/her visit at NIH with the approval of the proper officials. In addition, if the GR or SV is a non-immigrant foreign national, he/she must remain in a valid visa status with clearance by the DIS, ORS. The IC must submit a request for extension to the DIS before the GR’s or SV’s status expires in accordance with DIS processing times. (

L. Termination




L. Termination:

Notwithstanding individual IC policies on the length of assignments, GR/SV assignments may be terminated at any time by either party to the agreement. ICs must notify the DIS, ORS, of non-immigrant foreign national GR/SV assignment termination at least 30 days prior to the end date.




M. Visas:

Non-immigrant foreign nationals GRs/SVs must have appropriate visas that support their activities at NIH. The approved Form NIH 590 and supporting documentation for these individuals must be sent to the DIS, ORS. The candidate GR/SV must be cleared by the DIS, ORS, in order to permit their assignment at the NIH. Such clearance is required before the assignment may commence.

The full document requirements can be located on the DIS web site ( Requests for all non-immigrant foreign GRs/SVs should be sent to the DIS in accordance with their processing times (

For requests for J-1 Exchange Visitor status, note the following:

  • GRs/SVs must have ample funds for their support, as determined by DIS per guidance from the Department of State and the Department of Labor

  • GRs/SVs must have, at a minimum, a Master’s degree or equivalent.

In some instances, a non-immigrant foreign GR/SV may come to NIH as a Temporary Visitor for Business in either B-1 or WB status (Visa waiver for Visitor for Business: intended for stays of 90 days or less for individuals from certain countries), provided he/she will receive no salary or other remuneration from a U.S. source. The B-2 (Temporary Visitor for Pleasure) or WT status (Visa waiver for Visitor for Pleasure: for stays of 90 days or less for individuals from certain countries) is intended for tourism purposes and is not allowed for GR/SV assignments. For further guidance, refer to the DIS Technical Advisory 5 (

Non-immigrant foreign GRs/SVs must be physically located at NIH research facilities and not in contract facilities or at local universities.

Any patient contact by a non-immigrant foreign SV must be consistent with visa provisions and authorized by the DIS, ORS (refer to the DIS Technical Advisory 4 for a summary). GRs, regardless of citizenship status, are not eligible for any level of patient contact.

Leave of Absence:

The DIS, ORS must be notified and concur with extended absences in order to avoid violation of immigration rules and regulations.

Outside Activities:

Non-immigrant foreign GRs/SVs must receive approval from the DIS, ORS, before any outside activity may commence.

For further information or guidance on immigration-related issues, contact the DIS, ORS.

N. Available Resources




N. Available Resources:

Guest researchers may use Occupational Medical Service facilities for emergency or other authorized treatment and NIH supplies and research services. Travel at Government expense is permitted when it is of direct benefit to NIH and is fully justified as such. However, because GRs are not Government employees, they may not use Government-owned vehicles.

Training for GRs may not be paid by IC funds.

ICs may, at their discretion and subject to the availability of funds, provide space, equipment, clerical support, clothing or uniforms, or any other resources deemed necessary for volunteers to carry out their assignments (including travel and training).


Parking and ID Cards. GRs/SVs may obtain parking permits and identification cards in the same manner as NIH employees (see NIH Manual 1410, Parking). Complete HHS-745, HHS ID Badge Request ( Access to NIH servers, desktops, and laptops requires PIV smartcard approval. (See NIH Manual 2811.)

O. Awards and Recognition




O. Awards and Recognition:

It is not appropriate to grant GRs any form of award or recognition since they do not perform services for NIH.

ICs are encouraged to develop suitable forms of recognition for the contributions and services rendered by volunteers. Although cash awards from appropriated funds may not be given, certificates of appreciation for volunteer service or similar types of recognition are recommended.

P. Supply of Forms




P. Supply of Forms:

The Special Volunteer and Guest Researcher Assignment Form NIH 590
(Appendix 1), Guest Researcher Agreement Form NIH 590-1 (Appendix 2), and the Special Volunteer Agreement Form NIH 590-2 (Appendix 3) of this issuance should be reproduced locally. DIS form requirements for non-immigrant foreign GRs/SVs can be located on the DIS website (

Q. Internal Controls




Q. Internal Controls:

The purpose of this chapter is to provide guidelines on the use of the GR and SV programs at NIH. It establishes the conditions under which a GR may be invited to use NIH facilities and defines responsibilities of the various parties involved. In addition, it describes the policies and requirements for acceptance of volunteer services at NIH. This issuance is intended to be used in conjunction with government-wide policies and regulations.

  1. Office Responsible for Reviewing Internal Controls Relative to this Chapter: Through this issuance, the Office of Intramural Research (OIR), Office of the Director, NIH, is accountable for the method used to ensure that internal controls are implemented and working.

  2. Frequency of Review: Review will be required once every three years

  3. Method of Review: Alternative Internal Control Review will be conducted, which will include a statistically valid random sample of ICs using this program to determine their compliance with the policies and procedures.

  4. Review Reports are sent to: Deputy Director for Intramural Research, NIH.

R. Records Retention and Disposal




R. Records Retention and Disposal:

All records (e-mail and non-e-mail) pertaining to this chapter must be retained and disposed of under the authority of NIH Manual 1743, Keeping and Destroying Records, Appendix 1, NIH Records Control Schedule, Item 2300-320-3.

NIH e-mail messages, including attachments that are created on NIH computer systems or transmitted over NIH networks that are evidence of the activities of the agency or have informational value are considered Federal records. These records must be maintained in accordance with current NIH Records Management guidelines. If necessary, back-up file capability should be created for this purpose. Contact your IC Records Liaison for additional information.

All e-mail messages are considered Government property and, if requested for a legitimate Government purpose, must be provided to the requester. Employees' supervisors, NIH staff conducting official reviews or investigations, and the Office of Inspector General may request access to or copies of e-mail messages. E-mail messages must also be provided to congressional oversight committees if requested and are subject to Freedom of Information Act requests. Back-up files are subject to the same requests as the original messages.

Appendix 1: Form NIH 590

Click here to view Form 590 (.pdf file, requires Acrobat Reader). 

Appendix 2: Form NIH 590-1

Click here to view Form 590-1 (.pdf file, requires Acrobat Reader).

NIH Manual 2300-308-1, Appendix 2
OMB 0925-0177
Date: 08/25/14
Expiration Date: April 30, 2024
Replaces: 11/23/11

Issuing Office: OD/OIR (301) 496-1921

NIH Guest Researcher Program
NIH Guest Researcher Agreement

I, (name) hereby agree in consideration of acceptance by NIH as a Guest Researcher that I will:

  1. Agree to be bound by all provisions of Executive Order 10096, as amended, 45 C.F.R. Part 7 and any orders, rules, regulations or the like issued thereunder, as if I were a Government employee who conceived an invention or first actually reduced it to practice while at the NIH. I agree to disclose promptly to the appropriate NIH officials, all inventions which I may conceive or first actually reduce to practice during my visit to the NIH, and to sign and execute all papers necessary for conveying to the Government the rights to which it is entitled by virtue of Executive Order 10096, as amended, and this agreement.

  2. Submit publications resulting from work at NIH to be cleared for conformance with NIH’s publication policies.

  3. Waive any and all claims for compensation from the Government of the United States for any services performed incidental to the personal research I am doing, and absolve NIH of any responsibility in case of personal injury or death arising out of those research activities, and/or failure or damage to my experiments or equipment.

  4. While on NIH premises, conform to all applicable administrative instructions and requirements of the Department of Health and Human Services and NIH, including all regulations and procedures concerning conduct, safety, patient care, and animal care.

  5. Agree that I will obtain, prior to the beginning of this assignment, health insurance coverage substantially comparable to that provided by the Federal Employee’s Health Benefits Plan and will have that coverage approved by the host IC.

  6. If not a US citizen or permanent resident, agree to provide evidence of valid non-immigrant status and employment eligibility to the Division of International Services, ORS, for the duration of the assignment.

Please check this box if you will receive a salary or stipend while at NIH that is derived in any way from, or related to, Federal (including NIH) funds (e.g., grants, contracts, training awards). Specify details on a separate page.

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 5 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: NIH, Project Clearance Office, 6701 Rockledge Drive, MSC7730, Bethesda, MD 20892-7730, ATTN: PRA (0925-0177). Do not return the completed form to this address.

Signature of Outside Employer Responsible Official / Date


Appendix 3: Form NIH 590-2

Click here to view Form 590-2 (.pdf file, requires Acrobat Reader).

NIH Manual 2300-308-1, Appendix 3 
OMB NO. 0925-0177
Date: 08/25/14 
Expiration Date: April 30, 2024
Replaces: 11/23/11

Issuing Office: OD/OIR (301) 496-1921

NIH Special Volunteer Program
NIH Special Volunteer Agreement

I, (name), offer to serve as a volunteer at the National Institutes of Health. In making this offer, I understand and agree that I will:

  1. Follow the supervision and direction of the NIH employee(s) to whom I have been assigned to perform my volunteer services and activities.

  2. Agree to be bound by all provisions of Executive Order 10096, as amended, 45 C.F.R. Part 7 and any orders, rules, regulations or the like issued thereunder, as if I were a Government employee who conceived an invention or first actually reduced it to practice while at the NIH. I agree to disclose promptly to the appropriate NIH officials, all inventions which I may conceive or first actually reduce to practice during my visit to the NIH, and to sign and execute all papers necessary for conveying to the Government the rights to which it is entitled by virtue of Executive Order 10096, as amended, and this agreement.

  3. Submit publications resulting from work at NIH to be cleared for conformance with NIH publications policies.

  4. Waive any and all claims for compensation from the Government of the United States for any services performed related to my volunteer assignment at NIH.

  5. While on the premises of NIH, and while performing volunteer services off the premises of NIH, conform to all applicable administrative instructions and requirements of the Department of Health and Human Services and NIH, including all regulations and procedures concerning conduct, safety, patient care, and animal care.

  6. Be eligible under 5 U.S.C. 8101(1) (B) to file for benefits for work-related injuries and /or illness that may arise and are directly related to the performance of my volunteer assignment.

  7. May be eligible for coverage under the Federal Tort Claims Act, (28 U.S.C. 2671 et seq.) and under section 224 of the PHS Act for coverage from personal liability for damages or injuries that arise from actions occurring within the scope of my volunteer assignment and while under the direct supervision of a federal employee. However, I understand that the ultimate decision on issues of liability and coverage depends on the circumstances of each situation, and that the U. S. Department of Justice may decline to represent me.

  8. Not be considered to be an employee of the Federal Government for any purposes other than tort claims and injury compensation, and that my volunteer service is not creditable for leave accrual or any other employee benefits.

  9. If volunteering to provide direct patient care services, be subject to the same requirements for obtaining clinical privileges as other paid health professionals of the Public Health Service.

  10. Be responsible for any cost or treatment for any illness or medical condition that may arise and is not directly related to the performance of my volunteer assignment. I understand that I must have or obtain adequate health insurance coverage prior to the beginning of my volunteer assignment until its conclusion, and that I must bear the cost of such insurance myself. Furthermore, non-immigrant foreign nationals sponsored as J-1 Exchange Visitors must maintain adequate health insurance coverage for themselves and any J-2 dependents as required by the US Department of State.

I understand that my volunteer assignment will begin in _____________ and end on _______________, and that I will spend _____ hours/days per week providing volunteer services. I also understand that my volunteer assignment may be terminated at any time by either party to this agreement.


 Please check this box if you will receive a salary or stipend while at NIH that is derived in any way from, or related to, Federal (including NIH) funds (e.g., grants, contracts, training awards). Specify details on a separate page.

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 5 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: NIH, Project Clearance Office, 6701 Rockledge Drive, MSC7730, Bethesda, MD 20892 -7730, ATTN: PRA (0925-0177). Do not return the completed form to this address.

Signature of Outside Employer Responsible Official / Date

Signature of Volunteer / Date

Signature of Parent or Guardian of a Minor / Date

Signature of NIH Approving Official / Date

Appendix 4: Volunteer Letter

Click here to view in Word 

RELEASE DATE: 11/23/11
REPLACES: 8/16/11

Sample Letter Acknowledging Offer to Serve
as an NIH Special Volunteer

Dear __________________: 

On behalf of the ___________________, I would like to thank you for your offer to serve as a Special Volunteer in our organization.

(ICs should insert information that briefly discusses the mission and programs of the organization, and the nature of the volunteer assignment.)

Your interest in the programs of our organization and the health needs of the people we serve is deeply appreciated, and we are grateful for the assistance you are willing to provide in helping us achieve our mission.

Before you agree to serve as a volunteer in our organization, I must ask that you read the attached NIH Special Volunteer Agreement. This is a standard agreement that we enter into with all Special Volunteers, and is for your protection as well as ours. If you have questions concerning any of the provisions in this agreement, or would like clarification, please call me on _____________.

If the terms of this agreement are acceptable to you, please sign the attached agreement and return it to me. As soon as we receive your signed agreement, we will proceed with the final arrangements for your volunteer assignment.

If not a US citizen or permanent resident: Official notification of your assignment will be sent under a separate cover, along with the applicable immigration documents, from the NIH Division of International Services (DIS), Office of Research Services (ORS). Please do not make any visa or travel arrangements until instructed by the DIS.

Once again, let me thank you for volunteering your services to our organization. I look forward to our future association.


IC Designated Official

Appendix 5: Volunteer Letter with Outside Stipend

Click here to view in Word

RELEASE DATE: 11/23/11
REPLACES: 8/16/11

Sample Letter Acknowledging Special Voluntary
Service from Individuals Receiving Fellowship
or Stipend Support from Outside Organizations with whom they have a Non-employment Relationship

Dear ____________________:

You have been selected to serve as__________________ in the Laboratory of ________________ to carry out a project on ____________________ as discussed between you and your proposed supervisor, Dr. ______________.

Because you are being supported from an outside source of funds, NIH policy classifies your assignment as that of a Special Volunteer on the NIH staff, and this letter constitutes an invitation to serve in this capacity.

Before you agree to accept this assignment in our organization, I must ask that you read the attached NIH Special Volunteer Agreement. This is a standard agreement that we enter into with all volunteers, and is for your protection as well as ours. If you have questions concerning any of the provisions in this agreement, or would like clarification, please call me on ______________.

If the terms of this agreement are acceptable to you, please sign the attached agreement and return it to me. As soon as we receive the signed agreement, we will proceed with the final arrangements for your assignment.

If not a US citizen or permanent resident: Official notification of your assignment will be sent under a separate cover, along with the applicable immigration documents, from the NIH Division of International Services (DIS), Office of Research Services (ORS). Please do not make any visa or travel arrangements until instructed by the DIS.

I look forward to our future association.



IC Designated Official

Appendix 6: Volunteer Letter with O/S Employment

Click to view in Word

RELEASE DATE: 11/23/11
REPLACES: 8/16/11

Sample Letter Acknowledging Special Voluntary Service from
Individuals Employed by Outside Organizations During Sabbaticals or Leaves of Absence


Dear _____________________:

On behalf of the _______________________, I would like to thank (outside organization) for agreeing that you may serve as a volunteer for NIH while on sabbatical or leave of absence.

(ICs should insert information that briefly discusses the mission and programs of the organization, and the nature of the volunteer assignment.)

You will not receive any direct compensation from the NIH for services or activities you perform as a volunteer at NIH. Although (name of outside organization) is providing your compensation in sponsorship of your activities here, your activities will be carried out under the direction and for the benefit of the IC in accordance with the agreement reached between NIH and (name of outside organization).

Before you agree to serve as a volunteer in our organization, I must ask that you read the attached NIH Special Volunteer Agreement. This is a standard agreement that we enter into with all Special Volunteers, and is for your protection as well as ours. If you have questions concerning any of the provisions in this agreement, or would like clarification, please call me on ________________.

If the terms of this agreement are acceptable to you, please sign the attached agreement, have your employer sign, and return it to me. As soon as we receive the signed agreement, we will proceed with the final arrangements for your volunteer assignment.

If not a US citizen or permanent resident: Official notification of your assignment will be sent under a separate cover, along with the applicable immigration documents, from the NIH Division of International Services (DIS), Office of Research Services (ORS). Please do not make any visa or travel arrangements until instructed by the DIS.

I look forward to our future association.



IC Designated Official

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