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Transmittal Notice

  1. Explanation of Material Transmitted:

    This manual issuance is being rescinded because it is replaced by the document "Conditions for Access to and Use of NIH Facilities for Group Functions, Activities, and Special Events," found at . This site is hosted by the Office of Research Services (ORS) Security and Emergency Response (SER) which oversees and implements security operations at the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

    The updated policy is delineated by the Homeland Security Presidential Directive-3 at The Homeland Security Presidential Directive 3 creates a Homeland Security Advisory System to inform all levels of government and local authorities, as well as the public, to the current risk of terrorist acts. The System involves a five-level, color-coded Threat Condition indicator to correspond to the current situation. Agency-specific Protective Measures associated with each Threat Condition will allow a flexible, graduated and appropriate response to a change in the nation's level of risk.

    The document "Conditions for Access to and Use of NIH Facilities for Group Functions, Activities, and Special Events" provides guidance for holding events in NIH conference facilities, Institute and Center (IC) conference spaces and outdoor sites on the NIH campus and in leased facilities off campus.

  2. Filing Instructions:

Remove: NIH Manual: 26101-20-1 dated 11/01/1994.
Insert: None.

PLEASE NOTE: For information on:

  • Content of this chapter, contact the issuing office listed above.
  • NIH Manual System, contact the Office of Management Assessment, OM, on (301 496-4606, or enter this URL:



SUBJECT:  Endorsement that recommends approval of action to rescind NIH Policy Manual 26101-20-1

ISSUE:  Reason for rescinding NIH Policy Manual 26101-20-1

April 21, 2009


NIH Policy Manual 26101-20-1 – Occasional use of NIH-Controlled Facilities by the Public was released in 11/01/1994. It has been reviewed by the Office of Research Services, Security and Emergency Response (SER) and Program and Employee Services (PES) clusters and found to be out of date with current business practices. The consensus is that the new policy "Conditions for Access to and Use of NIH Facilities for Group Functions, Activities, and Special Events" is now the guiding policy for reviewing and approving group functions, activities and special events in NIH-controlled facilities.

The policy "Conditions for Access to and Use of NIH Facilities for Group Functions, Activities, and Special Events" is an outcome of Homeland Security Presidential Directive-3 at which informs all levels of government and local authorities, as well as the public, to the current risk of terrorist acts.

Therefore the Office of Research Services review group recommends that the NIH Policy Manual 26101-20-1 be rescinded.

Review Group Endorsement of Proposed Action:


Lem Canady, Director, ORS Division of Medical Arts, PES

Shirl Eller, Associate Director, ORS Program and Employee Services (PES)

Alvin Hinton, Chief, ORS Division of Police, SER

Richie Taffet, Director, ORS Division of Personnel Security and Access Control, SER

Bill Cullen, Associate Director, ORS Security and Emergency Response (SER)

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