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Transmittal Notice

  1. Explanation of Material Transmitted: This manual chapter provides NIH policy for acquisitions that require (1) clearance, (2) technical coordination, or (3) the use of a required source.  It covers contract actions, including simplified acquisitions.  This revision amends those areas requiring technical input by updating existing requirements and/or organizational components, incorporating new requirements, and deleting obsolete ones.

  2. Filing Instructions:

    Remove: NIH Manual Chapter 6307-3/26307-3 dated 09/30/98.
    Insert: NIH Manual Chapter 6307-3 dated 08/07/14.

PLEASE NOTE: For information on:

This manual chapter provides policy on acquisitions that require (1) clearance, (2) technical coordination, and/or (3) the use of a required source, as these terms are defined in E. Definitions, below. It covers contract actions, including simplified acquisitions.

This manual chapter replaces Manual Chapter 6307-3/26307-3, “Special Clearance and Other Acquisition Procedures”, dated 09/30/98.  It covers procedures for contract actions, including simplified acquisitions. This Manual Chapter addresses clearances as well as acquisition procedures other than clearances, since all of these actions are necessary prior to the acquisition of the commodity/service. This Manual Chapter sets out not only the procedure required but the officials responsible for the completion of each procedure.

It is the policy of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to minimize the number of clearances and required sources to those mandated by statute or regulation. Included are those procedures that are necessary in order to protect the life and health of employees and other persons and for the prevention of theft and/or damage to any property.  Clearances must be obtained, and technical coordination and required source utilization must occur, prior to the award of a purchase order, delivery order, Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) Call, purchase card order, contract, or any other NIH acquisition vehicle.

  1. Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR Chapter 1
  2. Health and Human Services Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR Chapter 3
  3. Health and Human Services Facilities Program Manual, (Volume 1).  Section 2-3: HHS Facility Project Approval Agreements (FPAA)
  4. NIH Manual Chapter 1743, “Keeping and Destroying Records”
  5. NIH Manual Chapters referenced in Appendix 1

E. Definitions

  1. Approver: An individual (typically an Administrative Officer, Administrative Assistant, Lead Purchasing Agent, or Purchasing Agent) who has been granted Contracting Officer Authority up to specified dollar limits.
  2. Buyer: An individual, usually a purchasing agent, responsible for ordering or submitting an online requisition for commodities/services to the appropriate Office of Acquisition. 
  3. Clearance: The acquisition approval that must be obtained from a clearance office indicated in Appendix 1 prior to proceeding with the acquisition. 
  4. Clearance Office/Official: The office/individual who makes the clearance approval or disapproval determination.
  5. Clearance Request: The memorandum or procurement request (e.g., NIH 1861-1) that is forwarded to the Clearance Office for acquisition approval.
  6. Contracting Officer: A person with the authority to enter into, administer, and/or terminate contracts and make related determinations and findings.  The term includes certain authorized representatives of the contracting officer acting within the limits of authority as delegated by the contracting officer.  A single contracting officer may be responsible for duties in any or all of these areas.
  7. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Acquisition Regulation (HHSAR): Establishes uniform HHS acquisition policies and procedures to conform to the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) System. The HHSAR implements FAR policies and procedures, and provides additional policies and procedures that supplement the FAR. The HHSAR contains HHS policies and procedures that govern the acquisition process or otherwise control acquisition relationships between HHS’ contracting activities and contractors.
  8. Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR): The Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) System is established for the codification and publication of uniform policies and procedures for acquisition by all executive agencies. The FAR System consists of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), which is the primary document, and agency acquisition regulations that implement or supplement the FAR. Agency acquisition regulations shall be limited to those necessary to implement FAR policies and procedures within the agency; and additional policies, procedures, solicitation provisions, or contract clauses that supplement the FAR to satisfy the specific needs of the agency.
  9. Facility Project Approval Agreement (FPAA-HHS Form 300): A written agreement between a designated Operating Division (OPDIV) official of HHS (i.e. Project Manager, Project Director and OPDIV Board Member) and the Department of HHS evidencing the OPDIV’s commitment to execute a particular project. A FPAA is required for all facility construction projects exceeding $1 million, improvement projects exceeding $2 million including the installation of equipment or scientific instruments requiring attachment to a building or its infrastructure, and all repair projects exceeding $5 million. The FPAA documents the project’s scope and description, basis of need, funding source(s), and total cost from all sources. It identifies project schedule milestones, including completion of design, construction, activation, and operational phases.
  10. National Institutes of Health Business System (NBS): NIH’s automated system used for ordering and receiving of commodities and services.
  11. Head of Contracting Activity (HCA): The official who has overall responsibility for managing the contracting activity. At the NIH, this individual is the Director, Office of Acquisition and Logistics Management (OALM), Office of Management (OM), Office of the Director (OD).
  12. Inter-Agency Funds Transfer: All Inter-Agency funds transfers will be approved by the cognizant Chief Contracting Officer where the request originated.
  13. Purchase Cardholder: An individual delegated authority to use a Government-wide purchase card.
  14. Purchase Card Approving Official: The purchase cardholder's immediate supervisor or higher level official, or the cardholder's Administrative Officer.
  15. Requester: The individual, usually in an Institute or Center (IC), who initiates a procurement request, either online or by use of a requisition form.
  16. Required Source: A commodity with an "X" in the Required Source column must be procured through the office indicated in Appendix 1. These offices have the specialized expertise for the provision of specific supplies, services or equipment in the most cost efficient and effective manner for NIH. They usually have established sources of supply that permit prompt ordering. 
  17. Technical Coordination: The required communication and coordination that the requester must have with the appropriate office indicated in Appendix 1, prior to submitting a procurement request or a request for contract to the Office of Acquisition.

F. Responsibilities

  1. Requester: Responsible for initiating the procurement request and obtaining the required clearances or technical coordination as listed in Appendix 1 of this manual chapter. The requester must coordinate with a purchasing agent, or, as appropriate, a contracting officer in checking the appropriate Federal and NIH required sources.
  1. Buyer or Purchase Cardholder: Responsible for obtaining the required clearances and disseminating information copies as identified in Appendix 1, unless otherwise specified in instructions.
  1. Approver or Purchase Card Approving Official: Relative to contracts up to and including the simplified acquisition threshold (SAT) that are awarded using simplified acquisition procedures and purchase card buys, is responsible for ensuring that the required clearances and/or technical coordination have been acquired or occurred, and that the required sources are used whenever appropriate.  If the required clearances and/or technical coordination have not been acquired or occurred, or that the required sources have not been used when appropriate, is responsible for notifying the Buyer or Purchase Cardholder.
  1. Contracting Officer: Relative to contracts above the SAT and acquisition awards made using other than simplified acquisition procedures, is responsible for ensuring that the required clearances and/or technical coordination have been acquired or occurred, and that the required sources are used whenever appropriate.  If the appropriate clearances are not in the procurement request or acquisition project plan and no other instructions are specified in Appendix 1, is responsible for notifying the Buyer or the requesting office (e.g., project office).
  1. Clearance Office/Official: Responsible for approving or disapproving the clearance request within five working days, and resolving questions/problems arising from a clearance request.

Search for the desired commodity in Appendix 1 and if applicable, follow the instructions. (NOTE: Appendix 1 represents statutory, regulatory, HHS and NIH requirements. IC internal policy must be checked for more stringent requirements and/or an IC-specific waiver from NIH requirements.)

  1. Clearance: A supply or service with an "X" in the Clearance column must have Clearance Office approval prior to placing an order or executing a contract. Failure to complete this required step could cause a significant delay in the acquisition process as orders/contracts cannot be placed until after the IC and/or NIH clearances have been obtained.

    1. The clearance request is forwarded by the Requester to the appropriate clearance office.

    2. The applicable clearance office identified in Appendix 1, after approving or disapproving the request, returns the document to the Requester. If the request is disapproved, the Requester shall clarify the issues, make the required changes, and reissue the clearance request.

    3. Once the clearance request has been approved:

      1. BPA Calls and purchase orders may be placed with the vendor after the clearance is received and all other required actions, as applicable, have been accomplished.

      2. Purchase and delivery order requisitions can be approved by the Approver.

      3. Contract approval documentation can be forwarded to the appropriate Office of Acquisition and included in the Acquisition Plan (AP) as part of the official contract file.

    4. Approval of purchase order, delivery order and contract requisitions will certify that all clearances have been obtained.

    5. Orders/contracts may be placed with the vendor/contractor after the clearance is received and all other required actions, as applicable, have been accomplished. Clearances must be filed in the official acquisition file. For simplified acquisitions, the file must be retained for three years after final payment is made; and for contracts, the file must be retained for six years and three months after final payment is made.

  2. Technical Coordination: A supply or service with an "X" in the Technical Coordination column requires Technical Coordination prior to submission of the procurement request. The Requester must communicate and coordinate with and follow the guidance provided by the office indicated in Appendix 1. Technical coordination will vary depending on the office and the nature of that particular office's requirements. Technical Coordination guidance and recommendations exist to ensure that commodities/services ordered meet standards in place at NIH for safety and for compatibility with pre-existing systems. The requester should note the office contacted, the individual spoken with, the date, and a summary of the technical discussion on the procurement request or within the AP. This information will assure the Approver/Contracting Officer that the technical coordination was conducted. No further documentation is required.

  3. Required Source:  A supply or service with an "X" in the Required Source column must be procured through the office indicated in Appendix 1. These offices have specialized expertise in obtaining specific supplies, services or equipment in the most cost efficient and effective manner for NIH. They usually have established sources of supply that permit prompt ordering. The Requester should note the office contacted, the individual spoken with, the date, and a summary of the actions to be taken. Any documents resulting from the collaboration shall be incorporated into the file.

H. Records Retention and Disposal

All records (e-mail and non-e-mail) pertaining to this Chapter must be retained and disposed of under the authority of NIH Manual 1743, "Keeping and Destroying Records," Appendix 1, "NIH Records Control Schedule", Item 2600-A-4, "Routine Procurement Files".

NIH e-mail messages, including attachments that are created on the NIH computer systems or transmitted over NIH Networks (NIHNet) that are evidence of the activities of the agency or have informational value, are considered Federal records.  These records must be maintained in accordance with current NIH Records Management guidelines. Contact your IC Records Liaison for additional information.

All e-mail messages are considered Government property, and if requested for a legitimate Government purpose, must be provided to the requester.  Employees’ supervisors, the NIH staff conducting official reviews or investigations, and the Office of Inspector General may request access to or copies of the e-mail messages. E-mail messages must also be provided to Congressional Oversight Committees if requested, and are subject to Freedom of Information Act requests.  Back-up files are subject to the same requests as original messages.

I. Internal Controls

The purpose of this Manual issuance is to provide policy on acquisitions that require (1) clearance, (2) technical coordination, and/or (3) the use of a required source. It covers contract actions, including simplified acquisitions.

  1. Office Responsible for Reviewing Internal Controls Relative to this Chapter:  The Division of Simplified Acquisition Policy & Services (DSAPS), Office of Acquisition Management and Policy (OAMP), OALM, OM, OD, has operational responsibility for coordinating the review procedures to ensure that appropriate internal controls are in place for this chapter. Additionally, DSAPS is the reviewer for revisions necessary due to changes in simplified acquisition policy, FAR and HHSAR changes.  The Division of Acquisition Policy and Evaluation (DAPE), OAMP, OALM, OM, OD, is the reviewer for revisions necessary due to changes in contract policy, FAR and HHSAR changes.

  2. Frequency of Review: DSAPS will oversee effective implementation and compliance of this policy by contacting each IC listed in Appendix 1 of this manual annually to ensure that the requirements listed in Appendix 1 are still applicable, and to ensure compliance with current FAR and HHSAR regulations.

  3. Method of Review: DSAPS will evaluate input from IC and OD Offices of Acquisitions, and DAPE based on e-mails, telephone calls, meetings and memoranda, and make appropriate changes as needed.

  4. Review Reports are sent to: Head of the Contracting Activity.

Appendix 1: Clearance, Technical Coordination and Required Source Instructions

Appendix 1: Clearance, Technical Coordination and Required Source Instructions. 




Required Source


Access Control & Alarm Systems
(see Security Devices and Equipment)






Advertisements (Recruitments)




Contact your IC Human Resources Office.


Animals (Vertebrates Only)
1. Approved-Commercial Source (DVR Contracts)
- Non-human primates
- Cats and dogs
- Rodents and rabbits
- Horses, burros, cattle, sheep; etc.




1.(A) OD/OM/ORS/SR/DVR, for ordering approved-commercial source (DVR Contract) rodents and rabbits, call Animal Procurement, Bldg. 14G, Rm. 102, MSC 5590, Phone: 301-496-3575, FAX: 301-402-0266. These animals can be ordered via the NIH Centralized Animal Procurement Systems (CAPS).

1. (B) For ordering cats, dogs, horses, burros, cattle, sheep, goats, swine and other large mammals, call: 301-402-3961, FAX: 301-496-0353.

1. (C) For ordering non-human primates, call: 301-402-3957, FAX: 301-496-0644. 

2. Non-Approved Source




2. When ordering from a mechanism other than CAPS,
approval from the IC Animal Program Director (APD) must be obtained. To submit an electronic application to import rodents, see
To import other species, contact the IC APD.

3. Live vertebrate animal procedures and services, including custom procedures, which are conducted outside NIH-owned facilities and areas.




3. In accordance with NIH Manual Policy 3040-3: Intramural Acquisitions Involving Animal Research Activities he specified terms and conditions of the solicitation, including the statement of work, must be verified by the IC-ACUCor their designee prior to award. As part of this review the IC-ACUC will verify the vendor/company’s Assurance status. Company/vendors must have an Animal Welfare Assurance on file with the NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) prior to award. If the company/vendor does not hold an Animal Welfare Assurance, the IC-ACUC will notify the NIH Intramural Office of Animal Care & Use (OACU) [[email protected]] to assist in seeking an Assurance with OLAW.

4. Custom monoclonal or polyclonal antibodies of animal origin




4. In accordance with NIH Policy Memo: Purchase of Custom Antibodies
company/vendors must have an Animal Welfare Assurance
on file with the NIH Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (OLAW) prior to award. The purchase card approving official will verify this status. If the company/vendor does not hold an Animal Welfare Assurance, the IC AO will notify the NIH Intramural Office of Animal Care & Use (OACU) [[email protected]] to assist in seeking an Assurance with OLAW.


Art Work 
(see Visual Communications Services)






Audiovisual Production Services (in-house or under contract)  > $5,000




OD/OCPL/PIO/News Media Branch, Bldg. 1, Rm. 350, MSC 0188: 301-594-8750, FAX: 301-496-5895.
Refer to NIH Manual Policy 1183.


Biological Safety Cabinets (BSC) (tissue culture hoods)




Send request to OD/OM/ORS/SR/DOHS/TAB (Technical Assistance Branch), Bldg. 13, Rm. 3K04, MSC 5760. All ventilated BSC will need to have a feasibility study performed to determine if sufficient supply and exhaust capacity is available. Submit work request at


Bottled Water




NIH Drinking Water Program information is available at:​PlanningSpaceManagement/​Pages/​NIHDrinkingWaterProgramChanges​.aspx Contact the ORFDO Facility Manager for the building:​BuildingsandFacilityManagers.asp


Cable TV Service 
1. Request for service

2. Cable drop route





Contact the NIH Service Desk at 301-496-HELP for cable services.

Any cabling through the Clinical Center Complex needs to be coordinated with ORFDO/OHPE: 301-443-9609, and have a Construction Risk Assessment (CRA) completed






Submit a work request at to ORFDO/DDCM: 301-451-6465. Carpet requests are managed by a DDCM Coordinator: 301-402-4352, Fax: 301-496-5386.


Cell Sorters




For the safety of all employees, the requester must request technical coordination from OD/OM/ORS/SR/DOHS/SOSB, Bldg. 13, Rm. 3K04, MSC 5760: 301-496-2346, PRIOR to procurement to ensure compliance with OSHA, and specific NIH requirements.


Chemical Fume Hoods (CFH)




Submit a work request @ to first obtain clearances from OD/OM/ORS/SR/DOHS/SOSB/TAB for the need/use of CFH:  301-496-2346 and for a feasibility study to be conducted to determine if sufficient supply & exhaust air is 
available in the location designated for the hood. Ductless chemical fume hoods are not appropriate for NIH facilities. See:​sr/dohs/​Documents/​DOHS%20Ductless%20​Fume%20Hoods%20​Review_2007.pdf


Cleaning Services




Use contract cleaning service for services covered. Call ORFDO Customer Services: 301-435-8000.


Compressed Gases: (acetylene, ammonia, butane, carbon monoxide, chlorine, cyanide, ethane, ethylene, ethylene oxide, freon, hexane, hydrogen, hydrogen bromide, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride, isobutane, isobutylene, isopen-tane, methane, n-butane, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, pentane, propane, silane, sulfur dioxide), sulfur hexafluoride




These covered gases are considered hazardous. For the safety of all employees, the requester must request technical coordination from OD/OM/ORS/SR/DOHS/SOSB, Bldg. 13, Rm. 3K04, MSC 5760: 301-496-2346, FAX: 301-402-0313, PRIOR to procurement to ensure compliance with OSHA, and specific NIH requirements.


Containment Equipment, e.g.:
1. Isolators












For the safety of all employees, the requester must request technical coordination from OD/OM/ORS/SR/DOHS/SOSB, Bldg. 13, Rm. 3K04, MSC 5760: 301-496-2346, PRIOR to procurement to ensure compliance with OSHA, and specific NIH requirements.

For #6 & #7, Need to adhere to the NIH Fume Hood and BSC Specifications.

Flammable liquid storage cabinets must be of metal construction and UL listed. Consult with the OD/OM/ORS/SR/DFM @ 301-496-0487.

Acid Storage Cabinets must comply with the NIH DRM and ORFDO/Division of Technical Resources (DTR) fume hood specifications. Consult with DTR @ 301-435-8746.

2. Laminar flow equipment



3. Local exhaust devices 



4. Portable' chemical fume hoods



5. Ventilated animal cage racks



6. Biological safety cabinets (tissue culture hoods)



7. Chemical fume hoods



8. Flammable Storage Cabinets



9. Acid Storage Cabinets




Contracts/Purchase Orders with current Federal Employee(s)




OD/OM/OALM/OAMP/DAPE 301-496-6014 to coordinate information for approval of NIH Director (Head of the Contracting Activity) (HCA) after working through established IC channels.
See HHSAR 303.602 for specific instructions.


Controlled Substances and DEA-Regulated Chemicals (non-human use)

NOTE: Controlled substances needed for patient care at the Clinical Center (CC) are obtained through the CC Pharmacy Department.




OD/OM/ORS/SR/DVR Pharmacy, Bldg. 14A, Rm. 119: 301-435-2780, FAX: 301-480-0088. Also see IC Controlled Substance Program Coordinator (CSPC) Review 
(Refer to NIH Manual Policy 1345).


DEA-Regulated Chemicals (see Controlled Substances)






DNA, Protein & Amino Acid Synthesizers & Sequencers




For the safety of all employees, the requester must request technical coordination from OD/OM/ORS/SR/DOHS/SOSB, Bldg. 13, Rm. 3K04, MSC 5760: 301-496-2346, PRIOR to procurement to ensure compliance with OSHA, and specific NIH requirements.


Draperies (see Window Treatments)






Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance (non-construction contracts and subcontracts over $10,000,000)




The Contracting Officer is responsible for reviewing OFCCP’s National Registry via the internet at
 and providing documentation of clearance in the contract file. If the proposed awardee is not on the Registry, the Contracting Officer shall contact the Regional Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Department of Labor to ensure Contractor Equal Employment Opportunity compliance
(see FAR 22.805).


Equipment, including scientific instruments




1) The requester must submit a work request for a feasibility study to verify impact to the facility, PRIOR to procurement for equipment to be installed in, on campus Government owned facilities based on the facility support requirements shown below. When the facility and/or the total acquisition cost of the equipment exceeds $2M, a Facility Project Approval Agreement (FPAA) must also be developed and approved consistent with DHHS guidelines. See 4.below.

a) Equipment that is too large to clear openings on the route from the loading dock to its final destination.

b) Equipment which weighs 900 pounds or more on a footprint area of 2 1/4 square feet or less.

c) Equipment that requires other than normal (120 or 208 volt) electrical service, emergency power, or a dedicated electrical service or a dedicated electrical circuit breaker.

d) Enhanced HVAC (heating/ ventilating, air-conditioning, cooling) service or hard connections to a plumbing service.

e) Other physical constraints, such as a vibration-free environment.

2)The requester must request technical coordination PRIOR to procurement from the ORFDO Facility Manager for the building in question​BuildingsandFacilityManagers​.aspSee Appendix 2. Equipment Purchase: ORFDO Coordination.

3) The requester must coordinate major equipment installation requirements with the OD/OM/ORS/SER/DFM at 301-496-0487 consistent with the guidelines issued under NIH Manual Policy 1370, Fire Protection Building Permit Process. Contact the DFM: 301-496-0487.

4) For Assistance in the preparation of the HHS Facility Project Approval Agreement (FPAA) and related documents required on any equipment purchase that requires facility renovations or infrastructure modifications to install AND that exceed the HHS total project threshold cost of $2M (inclusive of equipment cost and related construction), contact the ORFDO/DDCM for assistance. HHS does not permit award of procurement until they have approved the FPAA.


Ethylene Oxide Sterilizers




For the safety of all employees, the requester must request technical coordination from OD/OM/ORS/SER/DOHS/SOSB, Bldg. 13, Rm. 3K04, MSC 5760: 301-496-2346, PRIOR to procurement to ensure compliance with OSHA, and specific NIH requirements.


Events Management Services





1. Conference Facilities (NIH). See room inventory for on and off campus locations and reservations:​​pes/​​emb/​​facilities/​​Pages/​​conferencefacilities.aspx




1. For use of NIH conference facilities and acquisition of commercial conference space see NIH Manual Policy 1363 and
NIH Manual Policy 26101-17-1. Contact Issuing Office: OD/OM/ORS/PES/DMA on 301-496-2868 as of 1/7/08. Acquisition of commercial conference space requires submittal of NIH 827-1 form as described in NIH Manual Policy 26101-17-1.

2. Multimedia and Video - media support broadcast quality production in the form of documentary, education, features, public service announcements for radio, TV, web, social media, video news releases, training, interactive; video production producing/directing, script writing, location/videotaping, studio video-taping, liner/ non-liner, animation 2D/3D, duplication, video transfers, video capturing (video & digitizing), daily network, local news monitoring; location taping for lectures conferences/seminars, surgical/ patient procedures, press conferences, interviews, close circuit TV, satellite communications for up linking/down-linking, 2-way video, media tracking, Section 508 compliance ensured for all products.




2. Video services, Bldg. 10/B2L103: 301-496-4700 or email requests for service to [email protected]


Exhibits (see Publications and Visual Communications Services)






Fetal Cells or Tissue Specimens – (see Stem Cells and Fetal Specimens)






Film Processing Units (all dark-room & laboratory equipment for processing & developing film photos, and x-rays including (Photo Developer Units, Photograph Processing Units, Photo Finishing Units, Film Processors & X-Ray Processors)




Contact, ORFDO/DEP Environmental Compliance Officer, Bldg. 13, Rm. 2W64, MSC 5746: 301-496-3537, FAX: 301-480-8056.


Foreign Acquisition 
(Research project conducted in a foreign country or a domestic research project with a foreign component)




Contact the Fogarty International Center: 301-496-4784 for further guidance. Refer to NIH Manual 63251.






Contact ORFDO: 301-435-8000. The NIH Design Requirements Manual (DRM) and the NIH Standards for Public Space Fit-Out must be adhered to.


Hearing Protection (see Personal Protective Equipment)






Hepa-Filtered Equipment




For the safety of all employees, the requester must request technical coordination from OD/OM/ORS/SR/DOHS/ SOSB, Bldg. 13, Rm. 3K04, MSC 5760: 301-496-2346, PRIOR to procurement to
ensure compliance with OSHA, and specific NIH requirements.

Items related to Animal Care should be coordinated with ORFDO/DFOM AAALAC Engineer: 301-435-8000.

Items related to Patient Care need to be coordinated with ORFDO/OHPE: 301-443-9609.

1. Animal change stations




2. Clean benches




3. Patient Isolation Rooms





Human Embryonic Stem Cells (see Stem Cells and Fetal Specimens)






Human Subjects Protections





Refer to the NIH Manual 7410 “Review and Documentation of Protections for Human Subjects in Extramural Grant Applications
and Research and Development Contract Proposals.”


Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (iPSCs) (see Stem Cells and Fetal Specimens)






Information Security (Securing Government-owned Sensitive Information)





When purchasing any products/services there is an obligation to comply with the HHS’ information security requirements whenever an acquisition involves Federally-owned information, where the contractor/vendor will develop, maintain, or have access to federally-owned information, irrespective of the medium. In general, anyone developing or having access to sensitive Government-owned information needs a background investigation.

The Department has implemented the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) such that it encompasses all types of acquisitions, including contracts, purchase orders, records of call, and purchase card transactions.

If a requirement is received that meets the definition, your Institute’s ISSO (Information Systems Security Officer) should be contacted. Their names can be found at
. They will provide guidance through the process to ensure that the appropriate clearance category is assigned.

Contact OD/OCIO/ISAO (301-594-2750) for further assistance.

For additional information, see the following:

- When cloud computing products or services are acquired,
the purchaser must also meet FedRAMP requirements

- HHS Personnel Security/Suitability Handbook:​security/​ossi/documents/​pssh.pdf

- HHS Personnel Security & Suitability Policy:​security/ossi/​documents/​pssp.pdf

- HHS-OCIO Policy for Information Systems Security and Privacy:​​InfoSecurity/​​Policy/​​Documents/​​HHSInformationSecurityandPrivacyPolicy.pdf

- HHS Policy and Procedures governing information security including HSPD-12:​ser/dpsac/​policies/​Pages/​policies.aspx

Contact your Institute’s Information System Security Office
(ISSO) for any additional guidance.


Keys, Locks





Submit Maintenance Service Request online or call Customer Service: 301-435-8000.


LAN Cabling





Contact CIT, Division of Network Systems and Telecommunications at 301-594-7411.
1) Check with ORFDO to ensure asbestos-free access.

2) Send CIT, Division of Network Systems and Telecommunications 301-594-7411, 10401 Fernwood Rd, 3SW19 Bethesda MD 20817 an information copy of the procurement package.


Lasers (Class IIIB & IV)





For the safety of all employees, the requester must request technical coordination from OD/OM/ORS/SR/DOHS/ SOSB, Bldg. 13, Rm. 3K04, MSC 5760: 301-496-2346, FAX: 301-402-0313 PRIOR to procurement to ensure compliance with OSHA, and specific NIH requirements.


Mobile Communications (Radio) Devices, 2- way radio type devices, does not include cellular phones





Submit an on-line Telecommunications Service Request to CIT, Division of Network Systems and Telecommunications via http://itservicedesk.​


Motor Vehicles




OD/OM/OALM/OLAO/Division of Logistics Services, Fleet Management, Bldg. 12, Room 103, MSC 5602: 301-496-4511, Fax: 301-402-1280. (REQUIRES 10 MONTH LEAD TIME). Refer to NIH Manual 26101-38.


Pagers (NIH-104 Paging System), does not include Commercial Pagers




Submit an on-line Telecommunications Service Request to CIT, Division of Network Systems and Telecommunications via http://itservicedesk​


Personal Protective Equipment





1. Safety shoes




1. and 2. Contact OD/OM/ORS/SER/DOHS/TAB, Bldg. 13, Rm. 3K04, MSC 5760: 301-496-2346.

2. Negative & positive pressure respirators





3. Safety glasses: prescription




3. Contact Occupational Medical Service, Bldg. 10: 301-496- 4411.

4. Hearing Protection




4. OD/OM/ORS/SER/DOHS/TAB does not acquire hearing protection equipment but should be contacted on: 301-496-2346 prior to acquisition to ensure adequate level of hearing protection.


Photography Services (see Visual Communication Services)






Printing, Duplication and Reprints For Centers and the Office of the NIH Director





Submit completed HHS-26A form to
[email protected], fax to 301-443-3089 or send through interoffice mail to PSC Printing Office, 5600 Fishers Lane,
Room 16-65, Rockville, MD. The form can be found at​forms/​hhs_forms/​hhs-26.pdf For customer service call 301-443-6740.


Public Affairs/ Communications (Produced inhouse or under contract) >$5,000





IC Representative and/or Project Officer must contact the Office of Communications and Public Liaison (OCPL), Bldg. 1, Rm.
344: 301-496-5787, FAX: 301-496-0017. Refer to NIH Policy
Manual 1183.


Publications (written by NIH staff)




Coordinate approval in advance with OCPL. Refer to NIH Manual 1183. For copies of manual contact OD/OCPL/Editorial Operations Branch, Bldg. 31, Rm. 5B52, MSC 2090:
301-496-4143, FAX: 301-402-1485.


Radioactive Materials




For orders submit Form NIH 88-1 to OD/OM/ORS/SR/DRS,
Bldg. 21, Rm. 107, MSC 6780: 301-496-3277, Fax: 301-480-9708. Form NIH 88-1 must be signed by authorized user noting their Radiation Clearance number. Material will not be delivered until DRS has received the NIH 88-1 form. Electronic submission is considered “signed” when sent from the authorized user.

For vendors not on BPA, or orders beyond the BPA limits, the requisition for radioactive materials must be cleared by DRS before placing order.

All deliveries of radioactive materials MUST be made to Bldg. 21.


Security Devices and Equipment

1. Access Control Systems (including card key and other identification systems)

2. Alarm Systems and Intrusion Security Devices (including closed-circuit TV)

3. Locking devices: Electronic and Mechanical (including safes)






For 1-3 of this commodity, contact OD/OM/ORS/Office of Security and Emergency Response (SER), Bldg. 45, Rm. 1AF-9 and 10, MSC 6126: 301-443-7287.

Also need to coordinate with OD/OM/ORFDO/DFOM regarding any connections to the FACnet System: 301-435-8000.




On-campus permanent identification and directional: Follow NIH Manual 26101-20-1, Exterior Signs.

For Signage: Coordinate with OD/OM/ORFDO/DFP/Planning and Programming Branch: 301-496-5037

1.Exterior Signs




Off-campus handicapped and reserve signs: Contact ORFDO Facility Manager at​BuildingsandFacilityManagers.​asp

2.Interior Signs





Coordinate with ORFDO/OA: 301-402-0878. Comply with NIH Interior Signage User’s Manual at​​PoliciesAndGuidelines/​​BiomedicalandAnimal​​ResearchFacilities​Design​PoliciesandGuidelines/​​Pages/default.aspx







1. Renovations in leased buildings




1. IC submits a Construction Work Request to ORFDO for support at If use of the space has changed, contact OD/OM/ORFDO/Division of Facilities Planning (DFP)/Space Planning and Management Branch (SPMB) at 301-496-5037 (Customer Service Line), FAX: 301-402-0017.

2. Acquisition of leased space




2. New space requirements must be coordinated with OD/OM/ORFDO/DFP/PSPB at 301-496-5037 (Customer Service Line), FAX: 301-402-0017.




Leased space contracts are handled by OD/OM/ORFDO/Office of Acquisitions (OA)/Real Estate Contracting Branch (RECB). Contact 301-402-0878, FAX: 301-402-0331. Refer to NIH Manual 26101-18-1.

3. Acquisition of off-campus parking




3. For existing and new leases, coordinate requirements with the OD/OM/ORFDO/OA/Facilities Support Services Contracting Branch (FSSCB). Contact 301-402-0878, FAX: 301-402-1103.


Space Heaters




Space Heaters -

1. In NIH owned facilities, space heaters are not permitted under any circumstances in laboratories, patient care units or clinics.

2. Contact the NIH ORFDO Facility Manager assigned to the building at​​BuildingsandFacility​Managers.asp to access and verify the need for a space heater.

3. Contact the NIH ORS Division of the Fire Marshal @ 301-496-0487 for space heater selections.


Stem Cells and Fetal Specimens – includes iPSCs, hESCs, fetal cells and tissue







iPSC lines - NIH Staff must adhere to the policy outlined in the NIH Guidelines on Human Stem Cell Research. Please ensure that the iPSC checklist is filled out and sent to the appropriate parties per the instructions in the form.
hESC lines - NIH Staff must adhere to the policy outlined in the NIH Guidelines on Human Stem Cell Research. Research may only be conducted with those human embryonic stem cell lines listed on the
NIH Human Embryonic Stem Cell Registry. Please ensure that the hESC checklist is filled out and sent to the appropriate parties per the instructions in the form.
Additional helpful resources: NIH Stem Cell Website​Pages/Default.​aspx
Stem Cell FAQs​research/pages/​newcell_

Fetal Specimens - please refer to the following NIH policies which can be found in the NIH Sourcebook.​sourcebook/​ethical-conduct/​research-ethics/use-human-stem-cells/areas-prohibited-research​sourcebook/​ethical-conduct/​research-ethics/fetal-tissue-research/oversight-fetal-tissue-research​sourcebook/​ethical-conduct/​research-ethics/​fetal-tissue-research


Survey/Questionnaire to 10 or more public respondents





Contact the NIH Project Clearance Officer, Office of Extramural Research Administration, Project Clearance Branch: 301-594-7949,
E-mail: ProjectClearanceBranch​ with
“PRA Determination Request” as the subject to determine if your project requires clearance.


Systems Furniture





For on campus Government owned facilities, contact your Facility Manager at

For off campus Government owned facilities and leased facilities, contact OD/OM/ORFDO/OA/Real Estate Contracting Branch: 301-402-0878.

The NIH Design Requirements Manual (DRM) and the NIH Standards for Public Space Fit-Out at​PoliciesAndGuidelines/​BiomedicalandAnimalResearch​FacilitiesDesign​PoliciesandGuidelines/​Pages/​default.aspx
must be adhered to.


Telecommunications Resources




Submit an on-line Telecommunications Service Request to CIT, Division of Network Systems and Telecommunications via http://itservicedesk.​

1. Hardware Equipment





  • Analog and Digital Private Branch





  • Exchanges (PBX)





  • Voicemail





  • Systems Cables and Wires





  • Any Telephone Instruments (ISDN)





  • Modems, Routers, Bridges





  • Video Conferencing Equipment





  • Voice Conferencing Equipment





2. Communications





  • Software




3. Support Services





  • Analysis and Design





4. Telecommunications Services





  • Audio Conferencing Service





  • Domestic and International Long Distance Services





  • Facsimile Services





  • Network Services





  • Voicemail Services





UV Lights




For the safety of all employees, the requester must request technical coordination from OD/OM/ORS/SR/DOHS/TAB, Bldg. 13, Rm. 3K04, MSC 5760: 301-496-2346, Fax: 301-402-0313 PRIOR to procurement to ensure compliance with OSHA, and specific NIH requirements.


Video Conferencing Services



Contact CIT/Division of Computer Support Services

NIH Collaborative Technology Innovation and Video Services
Call 301-594-8433
TDD/TTY: 301-496-8294


Visual Communications Services

1. Design: Brand identity, event and scientific posters, publications, brochures, exhibits (production, installation, revision/repair), hallway displays, directional signage, logo, web site, certificate, folder, flyer, PowerPoint and multimedia presentations, etc.

2. Production (Digital Imaging): printing/copying (scientific and event poster, program booklets, certificates and calligraphy, brochures, flyers, tent cards, name tents, name tags, etc.); promotional items; framing; plaques.

3. Medical Illustration: traditional 2D medical illustrations, complex 3D biomedical visualizations, and informational graphics for scientific journals, textbooks, and patient education materials; 2D and 3D animation for scientific presentations, global education modules streaming over the web, and promotions.

4. Photography: patient photo-graphy/protocols; event, environ-mental, group, portrait, passport/visa, etc.; editorial/information photography; studio photography (table top, still life, product); photo microscopy and photomacroscopy; digital image capture; photography of scientific specimens, research instrumentation/scientific prints.

5. Multimedia and Video: Media support broadcast quality production in the form of documentary, education, features, public service announcements for radio/TV, web, social media, video news releases, training, interactive; video production producing/directing, script writing, location/videotaping, studio video-taping, ting liner/non-liner, animation 2D/3D, duplication, video transfers, video capturing (video & digitizing), daily network/ local news monitoring; location taping for lectures/conferences/seminars, surgical/patient procedures, press conferences; interviews, close circuit TV; satellite communications for up linking/ downlinking, 2-way video, media tracking; Section 508 compliance ensured for all products

6. Visual Arts (Graphics): design, digital imaging, photography, medical illustration, 508 compliant documents, ePubs, and video production: text/tables; charts/graphs; file scanning; maps/floor plans, mechanical/structural/technical drawings; mounting/matting/ labeling; digital signage display; displays, poster presentations/poster sessions, small and large exhibits; power point presentations; original copying; photo retouching.



Contact Medical Arts Customer Service Office at: 301-496-3221
Bldg.10, Rm. B2L103,

Fax: 301-480-5859, or to the appropriate section shown below:

Design Services, Bldg. 10, Rm. B2L126: 301-496-5566.

Medical illustration services, Bldg. 10, Rm. B2L126: 301-496-5566.

Photography services, Bldg. 10, Rm. B2L328: 301-496-4971.

Photomicroscopy/Photomacroscopy services, Bldg. 10, Rm. B2L328: 301-496-2193.

Public Affairs photography services, Bldg. 10, Rm. B2L328: 301-496-9993.

Patient photography services, Bldg. 10, Rm. B2L324: 301-496-9994.

Video services, Bldg. 10, Rm. B2L103: 301-496-4700.

Visual art (graphic) services, Bldg. 10, Rm. B2L103: 301-496-3221

All Medical Arts areas provide services for walk ins, special requests and consultation.

OD/OM/ORS/PES/Medical Arts is your in house source for visual communication services.


Voice and Video Telecommunications Resources 
(see Telecommunications Resources)


Submit an on-line Telecommunications Service Request to CIT/ Division of
Network Systems and Telecommunications via


Window Treatments (draperies, shades, blinds)



Contact ORFDO at 301-435-8000. The NIH Design Requirements Manual (DRM) must be adhered to.

Appendix 2 - Equipment Purchase: ORFDO Technical Coordination

Appendix 3. Definitions of Acronyms


Appendix 3. Definitions of Acronyms:




Fogarty International Center


Head of the Contracting Activity


Office of Extramural Research, Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare


Office of Research Services, Office of Security and Emergency Response, Division of the Fire Marsha


Office of Research Services, Office of Scientific Resources, Division of Veterinary Resources


Office of Communications and Public Liaison, Office of the Director


Office of Research Facilities Development and Operations, Office of Acquisitions, Real Estate Contracting Branch


Office of Research Facilities Development and Operations, Division of Design and Construction Management.


Office of Research Facilities Development and Operations, Division of Facilities Planning


Office of Research Facilities Development and Operations, Division of Facilities Operations and Maintenance.


Office of Research Facilities Development and Operations, Division of Environmental Protection


Office of Research Facilities Development and Operations, Office of Hospital Physical Environment


Office of Research Services, Office of Scientific Resources, Division of Occupational Health and Safety


Office of Research Services, Office of Program and Employee Services, Division of Medical Arts


Center for Information Technology, Division of Network Systems and Telecommunications


Office of Research Services, Office of Scientific Resources, Division of Radiation Safety


Office of Research Facilities Development and Operations,

Office of Acquisitions


Office of Acquisition and Logistics Management, Office of Acquisition Management and Policy, Division Acquisition Policy and Evaluation 


Office of Human Resources

* If you require a 508 compliant PDF version of a chapter please contact [email protected]
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